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Wasabi Reviews is a Chicago-based startup. Their upcoming app will provide dish level reviews, so foodies can find the best restaurants and dishes they’re craving. They are on Instagram @WasabiReviews for more information and read their letter to the foodies of Chicago below asking for support of our amazing local restaurants during these turbulent times: 

"Dear Chicago, 

We’re a city of progress, with grit, beauty, culture, creativity, and resilience. A city where diversity and inclusion blossom. A city that despite facing loss and heartbreak, endures.  

We are also a city with a helluva lot of fantastic restaurants. 

Those restaurants are the lifeblood of Chicago. They bring us together, they give us character, they take us to other parts of the world. They’re date spots, places of culinary worship, home to countless memories, and venues that produce seriously Insta-worthy delicacies. 

But most importantly, those restaurants nourish us. They make Chicago, Chicago. 

We all know the physical toll of this virus, but the economic one is proving to be severe as well. Restaurants are hurting. The New York Times is projecting that half of New York City’s restaurants could go out of business. Let’s make sure that doesn’t happen to Chicago. 

Our restaurants need us. They need our bellies, our mouths, and our business. So let’s eat like the fate of our city depends on it. Because it does. 

We know as colder days approach, patio dining will be less appealing. So we’re asking everyone who has the means, to join us in taking the Vow2Chow: a vow to order takeout from local restaurants 2x per week. Post about it on social using #Vow2Chow, and recruit 2 friends to take the vow too. If you can, order directly from the restaurant and avoid using delivery apps, as they take a significant margin from the restaurants. 

We’re Chicago. We can stop the spread and we can save our restaurants. So let’s do it. 

Stay hungry,
Wasabi Reviews"

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