The Graceful Ordinary’s Chef Chris Curren is hosting the first Big City Burger Collab— from the mind of Chef Rob Levitt comes a new bite for The Graceful Ordinary’s late night bar menu: the PQM burger.Presented in a soft, homemade potato bun, Rob’s burger features a juicy 8-ounce burger patty topped with aged white cheddar, sweet griddled Spanish onions, bread and butter pickles and PQM’s special burger sauce. Order this bite at the bar, Thursday through Saturday from 9 pm to close, August 23rd through August 31st.
The Graceful Ordinary’s Chef Chris Curren is hosting the first Big City Burger Collab— from the mind of Chef Rob Levitt comes a new bite for The Graceful Ordinary’s late night bar menu: the PQM burger. Presented in a soft, homemade potato bun, Rob’s burger features a juicy 8-ounce burger patty topped with aged white cheddar, sweet griddled Spanish onions, bread and butter pickles and PQM’s special burger sauce. Order this bite at the bar, Thursday through Saturday from 9 pm to close, August 23rd through August 31st.
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