Sunda New Asian Chicago (110 W Illinois) has menu items for Chinese New Year, available from January 19 - February 14, 2023. A Lion Dance by the group Chicago Chinatown Special Events will launch the Chinese New Year programming on January 19 from 7pm-7:30pm.
CUMIN LAMB DUMPLINGS - pickled mustard greens,ginger vinaigrette, chili crisp
SEAFOOD LO MEIN - crispy scallop and shrimp, pea pods, carrots, water chestnuts,shiitake mushrooms, xo sauce
PAN SEARED RAINBOW TROUT - mustard greens, salted black bean sauce, scallions, radish
Sunda New Asian Chicago (110 W Illinois) has menu items for Chinese New Year, available from January 19 - February 14, 2023. A Lion Dance by the group Chicago Chinatown Special Events will launch the Chinese New Year programming on January 19 from 7pm-7:30pm.
CUMIN LAMB DUMPLINGS - pickled mustard greens,ginger vinaigrette, chili crisp
SEAFOOD LO MEIN - crispy scallop and shrimp, pea pods, carrots, water chestnuts,shiitake mushrooms, xo sauce
PAN SEARED RAINBOW TROUT - mustard greens, salted black bean sauce, scallions, radish
LUCK AND WEALTH - cookies assortment and oranges
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