This March, the Union (Logan Square) is rolling out "Save Water, Drink Whiskey” - a month long fundraiser in honor of World Water Day (3/22) where the team will donate partial proceeds from whiskey sales to Alliance for the Great Lakes. Aiding the non-profit organization in their efforts to keep the world’s largest fresh surface water system clean, Union will present a weekly whiskey pour for only $4 - $1 of which will go directly to Alliance for the Great Lakes. Bottles to look out for include Old Granddad and JTS Brown. Then, on Wednesday 3/22, World Water Day, the team is donating $1 of every whiskey pour, cocktail, and flight sold.
This March, the Union (Logan Square) is rolling out "Save Water, Drink Whiskey” - a month long fundraiser in honor of World Water Day (3/22) where the team will donate partial proceeds from whiskey sales to Alliance for the Great Lakes. Aiding the non-profit organization in their efforts to keep the world’s largest fresh surface water system clean, Union will present a weekly whiskey pour for only $4 - $1 of which will go directly to Alliance for the Great Lakes. Bottles to look out for include Old Granddad and JTS Brown. Then, on Wednesday 3/22, World Water Day, the team is donating $1 of every whiskey pour, cocktail, and flight sold.
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