Nightmare on Clark Street, the viral Halloween-themed pop-up, will open for the season on October 1. From the team behind Chicago-based Santa Baby, Charm’d, Rudolph’s and more, Nightmare on Clark Street will take over the Deuce’s space (3505 N Clark Street) this fall.
The pop-up will also feature a full dine-in food and drink menu–with haunted cocktails and spooky snacks–in addition to wall-to-wall Halloween and autumn décor; 12ft skeletons; and photo opportunities.
Guests can purchase tickets for the haunted house and/or make a reservation for lunch or dinner online.
Nightmare on Clark Street, the viral Halloween-themed pop-up, will open for the season on October 1. From the team behind Chicago-based Santa Baby, Charm’d, Rudolph’s and more, Nightmare on Clark Street will take over the Deuce’s space (3505 N Clark Street) this fall.
The pop-up will also feature a full dine-in food and drink menu–with haunted cocktails and spooky snacks–in addition to wall-to-wall Halloween and autumn décor; 12ft skeletons; and photo opportunities.
Guests can purchase tickets for the haunted house and/or make a reservation for lunch or dinner online.
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