The Ukrainian Village tap offers a Fish Fry on February 14 (Ash Wednesday) and every Friday during Lent (Friday, February 16 through Friday, March 30). The $12 fish and chips entrée, which is on offer from 5-11 p.m.,includes crispy beer-battered cod with hand-cut fries and house tartar sauce.
The Ukrainian Village tap offers a Fish Fry on February 14 (Ash Wednesday) and every Friday during Lent (Friday, February 16 through Friday, March 30). The $12 fish and chips entrée, which is on offer from 5-11 p.m., includes crispy beer-battered cod with hand-cut fries and house tartar sauce.
Tuman’s Tap & Grill
2159 W Chicago Ave
Chicago, IL 60622
(773) 782-1400
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