NBC's popular show, Chicago Fire, recently filmed scenes at III Forks Prime Steakhouse in Lakeshore East. The restaurant will host a viewing party when the episode airs on Thursday, November 2 at 9 p.m. During the show, guests may enjoy a flaming "High Octane" Sazerac-style cocktail made with Peychaud's bitters, Absinthe and Jim Beam Bonded for $5. To add a little sizzle, III Forks will sample shots of Fireball whiskey and serve complimentary jalapeno poppers. The full bar and dining menus will be available.
Thursday, November 2
9 p.m.
NBC's popular show, Chicago Fire, recently filmed scenes at III Forks Prime Steakhouse in Lakeshore East. The restaurant will host a viewing party when the episode airs on Thursday, November 2 at 9 p.m. During the show, guests may enjoy a flaming "High Octane" Sazerac-style cocktail made with Peychaud's bitters, Absinthe and Jim Beam Bonded for $5. To add a little sizzle, III Forks will sample shots of Fireball whiskey and serve complimentary jalapeno poppers. The full bar and dining menus will be available.
III Forks
180 N Field Blvd
Chicago, IL 60601
(312) 938-4303
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