Cat-Su Sando, a new concept inspired by Japanese comfort food, has teamed up with Lost Lake, the two-time James Beard Award-nominated tropical cocktail bar in Chicago’s Logan Square neighborhood for a kitchen takeover.
Cat-Su Sando will take over Lost Lake’s kitchen and serve out of its takeout window (located at 3154 W. Diversey Avenue) on:
Friday, October 23 from 4pm-8pm - Yakitori (grilled skewers) focused menu
Saturday, October 24 from 4pm-8pm - Yakitori (grilled skewers) focused menu
Sunday, October 25 from 10am-3pm - Breakfast Sandos & Breakfast Okonomiyaki
*No dine in available.
*Pre-orders can be placed on Tock starting Monday, October 20 or can be purchased day-of for walk-up service.
In addition to the themed menus, Lost Lake bottled cocktails and Cat-Su Sando merch will be available for purchase.
Launched as a cloud kitchen in September and most recently seen at a pop-up earlier this month with Pilot Project Brewing, Cat-Su Sando was born from chefs Will Schlaeger (Next, Saison, Blackbird) and Shawn Clendening’s (Oriole, Saison, Blackbird) mutual regard for Japanese cuisine and culture.
Cat-Su Sando, a new concept inspired by Japanese comfort food, has teamed up with Lost Lake, the two-time James Beard Award-nominated tropical cocktail bar in Chicago’s Logan Square neighborhood for a kitchen takeover.
Cat-Su Sando will take over Lost Lake’s kitchen and serve out of its takeout window (located at 3154 W. Diversey Avenue) on:
Friday, October 23 from 4pm-8pm - Yakitori (grilled skewers) focused menu
Saturday, October 24 from 4pm-8pm - Yakitori (grilled skewers) focused menu
Sunday, October 25 from 10am-3pm - Breakfast Sandos & Breakfast Okonomiyaki
*No dine in available.
*Pre-orders can be placed on Tock starting Monday, October 20 or can be purchased day-of for walk-up service.
In addition to the themed menus, Lost Lake bottled cocktails and Cat-Su Sando merch will be available for purchase.
Launched as a cloud kitchen in September and most recently seen at a pop-up earlier this month with Pilot Project Brewing, Cat-Su Sando was born from chefs Will Schlaeger (Next, Saison, Blackbird) and Shawn Clendening’s (Oriole, Saison, Blackbird) mutual regard for Japanese cuisine and culture.
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